Oliver Sacks
Carl Sagan
Nick Sagan
Angela Saini
Colin Salter
Ian Sample
Nina Samuels
Lisa Sanders
Brandon Sanderson
Arturo Sangalli
Aaron Santos
Lucy Jane Santos
Robert Sapolsky
Helmut Satz
John Scalzi
Eric Scerri
Caleb Scharf
Edward Scheinermann
Govert Schilling
Govert Schilling (with Marcus Chown)
Dirk Schulze-Makuch (with David Darling)
Linda Schweizer
Bruce Schumm
Massive Science
Women of Science Tarot **
Mosaic Science (Wellcome)
Robert Scoble (with Irena Cronin)
Deborah Scott (with Simon Malpas) Eds.
David Scott
Jillian Scudder
Robert Scully (with Marlan Sculley)
Bobby Seagull
Gino Segre
Charles Seife
Marc Seifer
John Sellars
Michael Sells
Howard Selina (with Henry Brighton)
Howard Selina (with Dylan Evans)
Asya Semenovich
- Fire of the Dark Triad (SF) ***
Paul Sen
Meera Senthilingam
Anil Seth
Edar Shafir (with Sendhil Mullainathan)
Alom Shaha
Mike Shanahan
Karen Shanor (with Jagmeet Kanwal)
Scott Shapiro
Dennis Shasha (with Cathy Lazere)
Peter Shaver
Bob Shaw
Shashi Shekhar (with Pamela Vold)
William Sheehan
William Sheehan (with Sanjay Shridhar Limaye)
Suzie Sheehy
Rupert Sheldrake
Mary Shelley
David Shenk
Michael Shermer
Michael Shermer (with Arthur Benjamin)
Margot Lee Shetterly
Ben Shneiderman
Neil Shubin
Seth Shulman
Joel Shurkin
Nate Silver
Clifford Simak
Andrew Simms (with Leo Murray)
Dean Keith Simonton
Simon Singh
Simon Singh (with Edzard Ernst)
Fredrik Sjöberg
Keith Skene
Brian Skyrms (with Persi Diaconis)
Charlotte Sleigh (with Amanda Rees)
Andrew Smart
Becky Smethurst
Chris Smith
Gary Smith
Gavin Smith
Ginny Smith
Laurence Smith
Leonard Smith
P. D. Smith
Lee Smolin
Raymond Smullyan
Alan Sokal
Robert Solomon
Jimmy Soni (with Rob Goodman)
Giles Sparrow
Vassilios McInnes Spathopoulos
David Spiegelhalter
Francis Spufford
Ashwin Srinivasan
Clifford Spiro
Curt Stager
David Stainforth
Russell Stannard
Douglas Star
Michael Starbird (with Edward Burger)
Natalie Starkey
Robert Stayton
Andrew Steane
Michael Stebbins
Katie Steckles (Ed.)
James Stein
Paul Steinhardt (with Neil Turok)
Neal Stephenson
Simon Stephenson
Martin Stevens
Iain Stewart
Ian Stewart
- 17 Equations that Changed the World ***
- Calculating the Cosmos: how mathematics unveils the universe ***
- Cows in the Maze ****
- Flatterland: like Flatland only more so ***
- Loophole (SF) ****
- Mathematics of Life ****
- Professor Stewart's Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities ****
- Professor Stewart's Casebook of Mathematical Mysteries ***
- Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Mysteries ***
- Professor Stewart's Incredible Numbers ***
- Significant Figures: lives and works of trailblazing mathematicians ****
- The Great Mathematical Problems *****
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