Greg Gage (with Tim Marzullo)
Pauline Gagnon
Chris Gainor
Clive Gamble (with John Gowlett and Robin Dunbar)
Lynn Gamwell
Bergita and Urs Ganse
Shan Gao
Marta Garcia-Matos (with Lluis Torner)
Dan Gardner
Martin Gardner
Evalyn Gates
Atul Gawande
Adam Gazzaley (with Larry Rosen)
James Geach
Henry Gee
Rose George
Sean Gerrish
Christopher Gerry (with Kimberley Bruno)
Shohini Ghose
Masha Gessen
David Gibson
Susannah Gibson
Gerd Gigerenzer
George Gilder
Colin Gillespie
James Gillies
Malcolm Gladwell
Joshua Glenn (Ed.)
James Gleick
Marcelo Gleiser (with Adam Frank and Evan Thompson)
Ian Glynn
Laurie Godfrey (with Andrew Petto)
Philip Goff
Ben Goldacre
Billy Goldberg (with Mark Leyner)
Alfred Scarf Goldhaber (with Robert Crease)
Noah Goldstein (with Steve Martin & Robert Cialdini)
Mike Goldsmith
Lawrence & Nancy Goldstone
Jeff Gomez
Laurence Gonzales
Jane Goodall
Hope for Animals and their World ****
Paul Goodwin
Something Doesn't Add Up: surviving statistics in a post-truth world ***
Michael Gordin
Alan Goriely
Elisabeth Gordon (with Laurent Keller)
Angélica Gorodischer
Richard Gott (with Michael Strauss and Neil de Grasse Tyson)
Richard Gott
John Gowlett (with Clive Gamble and Robin Dunbar)
Francis Graham-Smith
Ron Graham (with Persi Diaconis)
John Grant
Andrew Granville and Jennifer Granville
Or Graur
Jeremy Gray
Theodore Gray
Samuel Graydon
Kevin Grazier (with Stephen Cass)
Jaime Green
Brian Greene
Kate Greene
Samuel Greengard
Pietro Greco
Peter Grego
Andrew Gregory
Bruce Gregory
Jane Gregory
Richard Gregory
Tim Gregory
John Gribbin
- 13.8: the quest to find the true age of the universe and the theory of everything ****
- Before the Big Bang (ebook only) ****
- Computing with Quantum Cats ****
- Deep Simplicity ***
- Don't Look Back (SF) ****
- Eight Improbable Possibilities: the mystery of the Moon and other implausible scientific truths ****
- Einstein's Masterwork: 1915 and the general theory of relativity ****
- In Search of the Multiverse ****
- In Search of Schrödinger's Cat *****
- Impossible, Probable and Improbable ****
- Seven Pillars of Science: the incredible lightness of ice and other scientific surprises ****
- Six Impossible Things: the 'quanta of solace' and the mysteries of the subatomic world *****
- Ten Tantalising Truths: why the sky is blue and other big answers to simple questions ****
- The Fellowship ***
- Timeswitch (SF) *****
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