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Authors - M


Dana Mackenzie

Jimmy Maher

Theodore Maiman

Ronald Mallett (with Bruce Henderson)

Marjorie Malley

Simon Malpas (with Deborah Scott) Eds.

Stefano Mancuso (Trans. Gregory Conti)

  • Tree Stories: how trees plant our world and connect our lives ***
  • Bill Manhire (with Paul Callaghan)

    Eli Maor (with Eugene Jost)

    Jo Marchant

    Simone Marchi

    Chiara Marletto

    J P Marques de Sa

    Jason Marsh (with Jeremy Adam and Dacher Keltner)

    Alan Marshall

    Tim Marshall

    Andy Martin

    George R. R. Martin

    Paul Martin

    Steve Martin (with Robert Cialdini & Noah Goldstein)

    John Martineau

    Tim Marzullo (with Greg Gage)

    Kate Mascarenhas

    Mark Mason

    Ehsan Masood

    Robert Matthews

    Andrew May

    Andrew Mayne

    Brian May (with Chris Lintott, Patrick Moore)

    Joseph Mazur

    Paul McAuley

    Kevin McCain (with Kostas Kampourakis)

    Patrick McCray

    Ian McDonald

    J. P. McEvoy (with Oscar Zarate)

    Johnjoe McFadden (with Jim Al-Khalili)

    Johnjoe McFadden (with Jim Al-Khalili)

    Ben McFarland

    Sharon Bertsch Mcgrayne

    Bill McGuire

    Lee Mcintyre

    Steven McKevitt (with Tony Ryan)

    Allan McRobie

    Allan McRobie

    Moiya McTier

    Nicholas Mee

    Andrew Meharg

    David Mermin

    Rebecca Mileham

    Arthur Miller

    Ben Miller

    Jonathan Miller (with Borin van Loon)

    Louise Miller

    Gemma Milne

    Mark Miodownik

    Melanie Mitchell

    Steven Mitten

    Leonard Mlodinow

    Leonard Mlodinow (with Stephen Hawking)

    John Moffat

    Jamie Mollart

  • Kings of a Dead World (SF) ****
  • Bennie Mols (with Nieske Vergunst)

    Nicholas Money

    James Moore (with Adrian Desmond)

    Patrick Moore

    Patrick Moore (with Brian May, Chris Lintott)

    Pete Moore

    Wendy Moore

    Michael Morange

    S. J. Morden

    Dan Moren

  • The Caledonian Gambit (SF) ****
  • Glyn Morgan

  • Science Fiction: voyages to the edge of imagination ***
  • Richard Morgan

    Andrew Morris

    Charles Morris

    Errol Morris

    Oliver Morton

    Iwan Rhys Morus

    Steve Mould (with Helen Arney)

    Matthew Moynihan (with Alfred Bortz)

    Junaid Mubeen

    Siddhartha Mukherjee

    Hazel Muir

    James Muirden

    Sendhil Mullainathan (with Eldar Shafir)

    Richard Muller

    Lisa Munoz

    Randall Munroe

    Andrew Hunter Murray


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