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Authors - F


Brian Fagan

Frank Fahy

Ben Falk

Seb Falk

Mark Fellowes (Ed.)

Shelly Fan

Patricia Fara

Graham Farmelo

Doyne Farmer

Steven Farmer

Erol Faruk

Kitty Ferguson

Oscar Fernandez

Pedro Ferreira

Georgina Ferry

Richard Feynman

Michelle Feynman (ed.)

Cordelia Fine

Ann Finkbeiner

Ed Finn

Clive Finlayson

Stuart Firestein

Baruch Fischhoff (with John Kadvany)

Len Fisher

Tim Flannery

Dario Floreano (with Nicola Nosengo)

  • Tales from a Robotic World: how intelligent machines will shape our future *****
  • Angus Fletcher

  • Wonderworks: literary invention and the science of stories *****
  • Felix Flicker

  • The Magick of Matter: crystals, chaos and the wizardry of physics ****
  • Simon Flynn

    Joshua Foer

    Peter Forbes

    Peter Forbes (with Tom Grimsey)

    Brian Ford

    Martin Ford

  • Rule of the Robots: how artificial intelligence will transform everything ****
  • The Rise of the Robots: technology and the threat of mass unemployment *****
  • Judy Foreman

    Jeff Forshaw (with Brian Cox)

    Richard Fortey

    Lance Fortnow

    Fiona Fox

    Adam Frank

    Adam Frank (with Marcelo Gleiser and Evan Thompson)

    Lone Frank

    Daniel Franklin

    Mark Frary

    Giovanni Frazzetto

    Matthew Frederick (with John Kuprenas)

    John Freely

    Chris French

    Art Friedman (with Leonard Susskind)


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