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Tim Harford - Four Way Interview

Photo by Frank Monks
Tim is an economist, journalist and broadcaster. He is author of the million-selling The Undercover Economist. Tim is a senior columnist at the Financial Times, and the presenter of Radio 4’s More or Less the iTunes-topping series Fifty Things That Made the Modern Economy, and the podcast Cautionary Tales. Tim has spoken at TED, PopTech and the Sydney Opera House. He is an associate member of Nuffield College, Oxford and an honorary fellow of the Royal Statistical Society. Tim was made an OBE for services to improving economic understanding in the New Year honours of 2019. His latest book is How to Make the World Add Up.

Why statistics?

Statistics tend to be viewed as a vector for misinformation - hence the popularity of Darrell Huff's book How To Lie With Statistics (said to be the most popular book about statistics ever written) and numerous modern classics such as Bad Science and Innumeracy. But statistics are also a vital tool for understanding the world. As we've seen during the pandemic, there is plenty of misinformation about, but fundamentally we haven't a hope of understand what we're up against, how dangerous it is, how it spreads or how to fight it, without using statistics.

Why this book?

The experience of the last few years has made clear what psychologists have known for years: we often think with our hearts rather than our heads. Many politically polarised issues are not about evidence, but about being a member of a political tribe. Wishful thinking, fear, and preconceptions all strongly influence the conclusions that we reach.

So while there are many excellent books about statistics out there, I wanted to approach statistical reasoning from a perspective that recognises our filters and biases. All the technical skill in the world cannot protect us from motivated reasoning, and so I wanted my book to reflect that.

What’s next?

I'm working on a new series for Radio 4, How To Vaccinate The World. A fast-moving story, with high stakes, loads of geeky science but also economics, logistics, psychology, politics and economics. And the prospect of a happy ending too.

What’s exciting you at the moment?

I'm working on the new series of my podcast Cautionary Tales - stories of things going badly awry, and the lessons we should learn as a result.


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